Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I Have Lots of Phobias

I have these phobias below. Most of them are mild, some of them pretty bad. So here's the list:

Achluophobia- Fear of darkness.
Acousticophobia- Fear of noise.
Agateophobia- Fear of insanity.
Agliophobia/Algophobia- Fear of pain.
Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place.
Aichmophobia- Fear of needles or pointed objects.
Ailurophobia- Fear of cats.
Alektorophobia- Fear of chickens.
Amathophobia- Fear of dust.
Angrophobia - Fear of anger or of becoming angry.
Anthropophobia- Fear of people or society.
Apiphobia- Fear of bees.
Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders.
Arsonphobia- Fear of fire.
Astraphobia or Astrapophobia- Fear of thunder and lightning.(Ceraunophobia, Keraunophobia)
Athazagoraphobia- Fear of being forgotton or ignored or forgetting.

Bathophobia- Fear of depth.
Batrachophobia- Fear of amphibians, such as frogs, newts, salamanders, etc.
Blennophobia- Fear of slime.
Bogyphobia- Fear of bogeys or the bogeyman.
Bufonophobia- Fear of toads.

Cainophobia or Cainotophobia- Fear of newness, novelty.
Cancerophobia or Carcinophobia- Fear of cancer.
Cenophobia or Centophobia- Fear of new things or ideas.Chemophobia- Fear of chemicals or working with chemicals.
Clinophobia- Fear of going to bed.

Anglophobia- Fear of England or English culture, etc. (What the heaven! Does Prince Charles cause this? LOL!)
Apotemnophobia- Fear of persons with amputations.
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Astrophobia- Fear of stars or celestial space.
Asymmetriphobia- Fear of asymmetrical things. (So cute!)
Aurophobia- Fear of gold. (LOL!! How the heaven could that possibly be?)
Auroraphobia- Fear of Northern lights.
Automatonophobia- Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsly represents a sentient being.

Bolshephobia- Fear of Bolsheviks. (OMG! Seriously?)
Barophobia- Fear of gravity.

Bibliophobia- Fear of books.

Chrometophobia or Chrematophobia- Fear of money. (WHAAATTT...??????? WHY???)
Chromophobia or Chromatophobia- Fear of colors.
Chronomentrophobia- Fear of clocks.
Cibophobia- Fear of food.(Sitophobia, Sitiophobia)

Coprastasophobia- Fear of constipation.
Coprophobia- Fear of feces.
Consecotaleophobia- Fear of chopsticks.

Cyberphobia- Fear of computers or working on a computer.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Have you ever heard of my love life?

One of my best friends and my loyal blog reader just asked me, “How come you never write anything about love?” and I was like “Really? I did write some posts about love.”
And my friend was like “Really? Which one?”
“I did, haven’t you read? I wrote about how much I love my self, Ronaldo, and football, aren’t they counted?”

Of course my friend was talking about the love ‘Love’, you know, like boyfriend-girlfriend thingy, lovers, anything like that. And I thought, and still think, “Yeah, why not?” It seems to be a popular topic anyway. If it could make more people read my blog, then why not?

So I’m gonna tell you what I think of love.
I don’t have one. Not that kinda love if you asked.

Don’t take me wrong. Some people have a crush on me, I have a crush on some people, but that’s it. Just a crush. Okay, maybe some people have more than a crush on me, but I never let my self have more than a crush to others.

I don’t really believe that boyfriend-girlfriend thingy, you know. It’s so silly. I mean, it’s not silly for them who like that kinda relationship. It is silly for me.

It’s not like I can’t love anyone, okay. I love everyone. I love my dad, mom, sister, brother, dog, my mom and dad’s brothers and sisters and their kids, and their kids’ kids, and their dogs, my best friends and their family and dogs, my lovers.

I love everyone. But to have a boyfriend… ugh… it’s such a… I can’t even find a perfect word to describe it.

I mean, why should I have one? I don’t wanna get married anyway. But, instead of that reason, I have more realistic reason.
They called me loner, even I used to think that I might be a loner. But that’s not true. That’s not true at all!
Some of my closest friends often asked me, “How could you love your friends so easily, have a crush on people so easily, but never love your boyfriends?”
Guys, you took me wrong. I did love my boyfriends. I just can’t take that responsibility of being a girlfriend.

Some of them who have crush on me think that they are just not my type, that my reason, that I simply just don’t wanna have a boyfriend, is just a big bullshit. But it’s not a bullshit at all. That kinda relationship is. Oops… sorry!

I think that boyfriend-girlfriend relationship is kinda… narrow. Not shallow, okay, narrow.
It doesn’t make sense. We have to be attached to one person only until we finally get married, or break up. When the boyfriend has a friend that happens to be a girl, the girlfriend gets jealous. When the girl spent a weekend with other boy, the boyfriend gets jealous. When the boyfriend fell in love with other girl, it would be called cheating. When I kissed a girl’s boyfriend, I’d be called b****. WTF?

My family would never cheat on me. Why? Because it’s okay to have more than one family.
My friends would never cheat on me. Because it’s always okay to have more than one friend.
It’s always okay to have more than one family and friend. The more you have even better. Your friend’s other friend is always your friend. But your boyfriend’s other girlfriend would never be your girlfriend.

My family and friends would never leave me for having other family and friends. They would never leave me for not keeping in touch with them. They would never leave me just because they don’t like my attitude or personality. They would never stop liking me. They would never stop loving me, just like I would never stop loving them.
Every time I had boyfriend, it’s always like I have to be in touch with them every time, everyday, or at least twice a week. Yep, even when we have nothing to do and nothing to say! Boring! When I don’t spend time with my boyfriend, they will call me ignorant. When I don’t have communication with my boyfriend, when I chose to enjoy my life just for a little while, I will be blamed for being so selfish and bla, bla, bla. If we really have nothing to do and nothing to say, should we still communicate or even meet each other?
My family and friends would never do that. I don’t have to spend time with my family and friends everyday. When I need them, I will come to them. When they need me, they will come to me. It would be always okay to not being in touch even more than months. We would just understand each other, miss each other, and when we finally meet again, we’re gonna be so happy. What a wonderful relationship.

My family and friends would never leave me when I have a boyfriend they don’t like, even when they really hate my boyfriend. But a boyfriend can leave his girlfriend just because he doesn’t like the family, and so can a girl friend to her boyfriend. If I ever have to choose, I would always pick my family and friend over my boyfriend. And by the way, I will hate him so much for hating my family and friends.

No. I’m not a loner. I’m the exact opposite of a loner, that’s why being anyone’s girlfriend feels so lonely for me.

So, for those have a crush on me, no, I don’t wanna be your girlfriend. Sorry.
For those I have a crush on, relax! I don’t wanna be your girlfriend! D’oh!
And for those we have a crush on each other, no, I don’t wanna be your girlfriend. Let’s just have a crush on each other. ;-)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

A month ago, or so, I talked about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) a lot with my friends. I don't know why but one day a friend bring that up to me in a conversation with some other friends. We were like, sharing our oddities, behaviors, our OCDs, and suddenly I realize that I had so many kinda OCD. Wow!

Then after that conversation with a group of friends, I bring that up to my other friends. At least I'm telling my OCD to... like 4 or 5 of my group of friends. And now, since this is the blog about me, why don't just write them all down here?

image: medicinehq.net

So, my OCDs are:

1. Ripping the paper and destroying personal data
--- Other can be so darn perfectionist in making their bed, cooking, doing their job, their homework, their artwork, etc. It can be a good thing. But me, I'm perfectionist in a very, very unimportant thing, such as... destroying data!
--- It's like, you know when you have to throw a used-envelope to a garbage, and it has your full name and address on its side? So, you have to destroy it, right? Or, when you just took your ATM card from the bank and it gave you the paper with your secret number on it. After you read it, you have to destroy the number before you throw the paper, right?
--- So, in my case, every time I have to destroy my data, whether it was a pin number, or an envelope with my name and address on it, or my private letters, or anything like that, I would cut it, letter by letter, and try to make it up again, like doing a puzzle, and if I can still put them together and found my address, I will cut it in smaller pieces. I will make it totally impossible to be put together again by anyone, as if anyone would do such a thing.
--- And usually I divide them to be 3 or 4 groups. I divide the letters of my name and put each part in different group, and so my address and other personal data, and then I'll put each group in different trash bins. Let say, I put the first group in my home trash bin, so the other group would be in the trash bin on the bus stop, the other in my office, and the rest would be threw like... maybe a week later. Crazy? Well, that's why I call it OCD.

2. Counting letters in a phrase, people's name, or long words
--- Every time I saw people's name, or company name, building name, words, or anything that is a group of letters, I would automatically divide them in my mind, trying to find, with which number should I divide them.
For example: Astari Pahlevi; (a, s) (t, a) (r, i) (p, a) (h, l) (e, v) and... oh darn the 'i' doesn't have friends, so it mustn't be divided by 2. Let's try again with 3: (a, s, t) (a, r, i) (p, a, h) (l, e, v), darn, the 'i' still doesn't have friends. BTW, it won't work with my name anyway, it's a prime number.
--- My favorite number to divide words is 3. I like it when people have long name, because when they have short name like mine, it's gonna be very easy to guess whether it would be divided perfectly or not.
So, for example, I'm gonna give you the longest name I can remember.
Lets start from my favorite divider, 3: (n, u, n) (o, m, i) (g, u, e) (l, s, o) (a, r, e) (s, p, e) (r, e, i) (r, a, r) (i, b, e) (r, i, o) (g, o, m)...arrhh the 'es' doesn't fit!
Ok, maybe we can try 4: (n, u, n, o) (m, i, g, u) (elso ares pere irar iber iogo... (arrh!!) mes
5: nunom iguel soare spere irari beiro... gomes!!! yeeaaaayyyy!!!!! So it can be divided by 5, kool!
What's the use of this? Don't ask me! It's just the OCD!

3. Chance and probability
--- I am so obsessed in finding every chance and probability. Like, I always wanna write down every possible way to rearrange my name.
--- My name contain the letter "a, a, a, e, h, i, i, l, p, r, s, t, v". So, one day... well, actually it last more than 2 or 3 days, I was struggling to write down all possibilities in arranging the letter in my name. I started with Aaaehiilprstv, then Aaaehiilprsvt, Aaaehiilprtsv, Aaaehiilprtvs, Aaaehiilprvst, Aaaehiilprvts.... oh darn, I start doing that again.
--- Whew! It's killing me! I know, I can count it with mathematic formula. But I simply just have to write that down.

4. Pattern, rules, and numbers
--- When I saw pattern, I would pay very attention to that pattern, so I would realize when something is out of the pattern. Let say, I was in a building, maybe an office, a mall, or something like that, and that building happens to have colorful wall paper. Maybe the pattern was lines with the color pattern: red-yellow-blue-pink-green-red... when I saw the red appeared twice, I started to find the pattern. Let say, the color after that is blue, and not yellow, so I would notice that it hasn't been a pattern yet. I would start looking for where the pattern started.
--- Other case, every time I go up or down the stairs, I always skip one stair just to see whether the stairs have odd or even rungs.

5. Social normative values
--- I always try to fight this OCD because this is the most annoying OCD I have. I feel like exploding every time I saw others break the values those I've been taught.
--- Like, when you're gonna cross the street on a zebra cross, I've been taught that the cars are supposed to stop and give chance to pedestrian to walk across the street. That's why it is called zebra cross. But in Indonesia, it doesn't work that way. Whenever we cross the street, no matter we walked on the zebra cross or not, the car wouldn't give a damn. They're just gonna keep going, even spur the car faster. So, in Indonesia, if we wanna cross the street, it doesn't matter whether we were on zebra cross or not. The most important thing is, we have to wait until no cars pass. For others in Indonesia, it is just usual. But I found it really, really annoying. When I crossed the zebra cross and the cars won't stop, I would slap the cars body, or kick it, or show the you-know-which finger to the driver.
--- Other case, when I was on the bus, I found it very annoying to see men don't stand and let the women sit. Maybe others are just already get used to it. But I always found it irritating. Sometimes, when I stood in the bus, and somebody leave the seat, and then a man meant to take the seat, I even said to the man, "Come on, fagot! I'm supposed to sit there! I'm a woman!" and push the man away, force him to give me seat.

6. Eating mixed vegetable
--- Do you know the frozen vegetable, that is a mix of sliced carrots, corn, bean, and peas? It is usually served with steak and french fries. Every time I ate mixed vegetable (and it truly is, mixed up), I would separate them, the carrots slices, the corn, the bean, and peas, and I have to eat all the bean first, then the carrot, then the pea, and the last is the corn. I always eat them from the one I like the less to the one I like the most.

7. Writing my diary every single day in a very detail description about everything
--- Was my OCD. When I was 19 - 22, writing diary was being my obsession. I can be so mad and irritated if I miss one day and forget what happened that day.
--- I think right now I'm already over it. Thanks for the damage of my former computer.

But, BTW, it happens that everyone has their own OCD. Yes! Everyone! You have your own OCD.
And I know one celebrity with pretty bad OCD.

David Beckham

Yup! He is perfectionist, so that "it manifests itself through constant cleanliness and perfection of all that is around him. Anything out of order is enough to cause a conflict and must be attended to immediately. Examples of this complete order is that everything must be in pairs, if there are three books on a table one must be added, or one must be removed. Only 2% of the population suffer from this strong OCD."

Read more: http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/famous-ocd.shtml#ixzz1IA2Bqu7t

In that link above you can see the list of famous people with OCD.

Sometimes OCD can be funny. But OCD can also be dangerous. And sometimes it isn't realized or recognized as OCD. Look all those terrorists and some people whose defending them.

They are not doing what the religion told them. It's not religion. It's OCD. They have OCD about their believes. They are obsessed with the idea that everyone is doing things their way. So, when someone has different view, they get so annoyed and would do anything to get rid of those people in any way.