Thursday, December 16, 2010

Children, Family, Motherhood

I maybe not knowing anything about them. I'm not sure I want to have or deal with any of it.

I'm not a family person.

Doesn't mean I don't love my family. It's just that family seems to be... well, not really my thing. I mean, have to take care of something is such a big kinda responsibility. I don't like big responsibility. Well, it's different when money comes with that responsibility. It's called being professional. I can be professional. But when the responsibility comes with nothing for me... hmm, that sucks.

Not that I'm money-oriented or something. I just think that it would be hard for me to find a good motivation.

Sometimes, most of the times, I kinda hate some of my friends who judge people based on whether they like their parents or not, whether they are good to their parents or not. No, I don't hate my parents at all. But I never judge anyone for hating their parents.

Indonesians are mostly morons who think that every parents, especially mothers, are always right, and good, and nice, and wise, and everything. So Indonesian morons think that every children who hate their parents are very bad children. The morons don't know and don't care to know, whatever are those parents like.

Indonesian parents, well, some of them, yell at their children, vent their anger to their children, even beat the children. In some developed, modern countries, like US, those parents would have been punished for how they treat their children. Modern countries protect children rights.

But in Indonesia, parents are everything. Because they have money. Because they can feed the children. Or just because they are... PARENTS!

So, in those modern countries, people would think, and think, and think, very carefully, before deciding to have children. Because they know what a big responsibility it is.

In Indonesia, those morons easily decide to just have as many children as they can. Yeah, thanks to their believes. The morons think that having children is part of worship to God. They think that the more children they have, the more fortune they get. Or they just think that having children is a must, or else, people would think they crazy or something.

So, the morons just get married and have children as much as they can. They don't even care about being good parents. And when those poor abused children grew as troubled personalities, those parents are just getting more upset and vent their anger to their children again! They blame those children for having troubled personalities, which actually definitely their fault!

I mean, seriously! If you could tell that your children are troubled, then why don't you take them to the therapist? Aha! One more! Indonesian parents care about their images more than they do about their children's mental health! So, better to force their children to heal themselves than to take them to therapist and bring shame to family.

You morons may say that I can't say nothing because I don't even know yet how to be a parent. But I'd say... "That is exactly why!"

That is exactly why. No children have ever felt how to be parents feels like. But every parents definitely were, had been, and surely know how it feels to be... children! So at least they could understand, even a little, how their children feel!

Well, I don't know if I want to have children, or not. But if someday I ever decided to have one, I would try my best to be responsible for what I've decided.

I would try my best to be the best mother for my children. If I raised a troubled children, I wish I would realize that it was my fault, and I won't yell at my child. I would try my best to help my troubled children.

And by the way, I'm 99% sure that I wouldn't have children. Because I don't want to be a bad mother. So I'm f***in confused with those morons who tried to convince me that I really need to have family and children, but at the same time, also judging me for not being an obedient child. F*** U ALL!!

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